Our partnership was led by Elaine Wynn, former president of the Nevada State Board of Education, and Jim Murren, chairman of the Nevada COVID-19 Response, Relief and Recovery Task Force. Read their thoughts in the following op-eds about why this initiative was successful:
Distance to Goal
Nevada’s Race to Connect Every Kid – 0 KIDS TO GO!
485,705 of 485,705 Nevada students reached 100%
485,705 Nevada students connected to internet 100%
485,705 Nevada students connected to devices 100%
*As of December 16th
Select your school district below for more information
*Not all district information will be immediately available. Please check in periodically for updates.
*Green status achievement indicates that all students in the district who are utilizing distance learning have access to a device and the internet.

Who We Are
The Nevada COVID-19 Task Force is a group of business leaders and community members, led by Jim Murren, driven to rally the resources of the private sector to best aid the state in the response, relief and recovery from COVID-19.
Read more about our community task force here.